Motorcycle Seats and ELF EMF Radiation
Randall Dale Chipkar interview PART 1
Randall Dale Chipkar full interview PART 1 and PART 2
Proof of Danger
Thank you for the emails of support from around the world. Initially, The Motorcycle Cancer Book and website provided limited information, however, the present versions now prove electromagnetic danger for motorcyclists worldwide.
Doctors and experts prove non-ionizing, non-thermal ELF EMF magnetic field radiation danger. Motorcycle seat meter readings prove excessive ELF EMF magnetic field radiation is showering millions of riders from below.
Many governments are now adopting the Precautionary Principle regarding various electromagnetic radiations and public harm.
The Precautionary Principle is only effective if consumers are provided with proper information. One goal is to have the motorcycle industry publish the extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF EMF) radiation emissions penetrating up from motorcycle seats. Another option would be to place a sticker or tag on each motorcycle revealing the level of ELF EMF radiation penetrating into the rider's groin. Then, at the point of purchase, consumers (especially cancer survivors) can make personal decisions regarding excessive ELF EMF radiation close exposure.
Ultimately the best solution is to have motorcycles manufactured with electrical designs that are ELF EMF safer by addressing the emission. Another possible solution is to relocate excessive ELF EMF magnetic field radiation producing components from immediately beneath motorcycle seats.
Riders worldwide can email their health stories and views to me. The response has been overwhelming and all emails are confidential. The emails assist in my worldwide campaign to expose this concern to the motorcycle industry. No one, especially pregnant women or cancer survivor motorcyclists, wants cancer controversial radiation racing through their body every time they ride.
Ulterior-motive skeptical blogs create confusion rather than concern. Some blogs present inaccurate information generating comments that thrive upon member self-amusement regardless of important issues. Conquering cancer requires our utmost attention concerning any potential cancer causation, cancer-growth promotion or cancer medication disruption. Complacency is synonymous with skepticism. Courage is synonymous with making a difference.
Special thanks to reporters and riders with the courage to stand up for truth. Proof of danger is now established and this warrants motorcycle industry attention worldwide.
Together we can make a difference to keep riders safer.
Randall Dale Chipkar
The Motorcycle Cancer Book
Chipkar Health Concepts Limited
Doctors and experts prove non-ionizing, non-thermal ELF EMF magnetic field radiation danger. Motorcycle seat meter readings prove excessive ELF EMF magnetic field radiation is showering millions of riders from below.
Many governments are now adopting the Precautionary Principle regarding various electromagnetic radiations and public harm.
The Precautionary Principle is only effective if consumers are provided with proper information. One goal is to have the motorcycle industry publish the extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF EMF) radiation emissions penetrating up from motorcycle seats. Another option would be to place a sticker or tag on each motorcycle revealing the level of ELF EMF radiation penetrating into the rider's groin. Then, at the point of purchase, consumers (especially cancer survivors) can make personal decisions regarding excessive ELF EMF radiation close exposure.
Ultimately the best solution is to have motorcycles manufactured with electrical designs that are ELF EMF safer by addressing the emission. Another possible solution is to relocate excessive ELF EMF magnetic field radiation producing components from immediately beneath motorcycle seats.
Riders worldwide can email their health stories and views to me. The response has been overwhelming and all emails are confidential. The emails assist in my worldwide campaign to expose this concern to the motorcycle industry. No one, especially pregnant women or cancer survivor motorcyclists, wants cancer controversial radiation racing through their body every time they ride.
Ulterior-motive skeptical blogs create confusion rather than concern. Some blogs present inaccurate information generating comments that thrive upon member self-amusement regardless of important issues. Conquering cancer requires our utmost attention concerning any potential cancer causation, cancer-growth promotion or cancer medication disruption. Complacency is synonymous with skepticism. Courage is synonymous with making a difference.
Special thanks to reporters and riders with the courage to stand up for truth. Proof of danger is now established and this warrants motorcycle industry attention worldwide.
Together we can make a difference to keep riders safer.
Randall Dale Chipkar
The Motorcycle Cancer Book
Chipkar Health Concepts Limited